Papercut Hive – Update Printer Software
This document will provide the information needed to show you how to update a printer from an old version of Papercut Hive to a more current version.
To start with you need to uninstall Hive Embedded from the printer
To do this you need to be within the below folder location from an admin-level command prompt
C:\Program Files\PaperCut Hive
Once you are within this folder you need to run the below command to remove the current version of embedded. – Please change the IP address in the below command for that of the printer you wish to remove embedded from.
Please note this command will ask you for the local admin username and password for the printer.
.\pc-edgenode-service command printer-app uninstall -address -platform KonicaMinoltaOpenAPI -version 1 -force true
Once embedded has been removed you will then need to install the new version of Hive. To do this run the below command from the same command prompt session, again you will be asked to enter the local username and password for the printer.
.\pc-edgenode-service command printer-app install -address -platform KonicaMinoltaOpenAPI -version 2 -force true
Once v2 (or whichever version you are looking to install has been installed) of Embedded has been installed you will then need to link the printer with Hive. Login to the Hive portal go to the printer section in the left-hand column and find the printer you have just installed v2 on.
Select the printer and from the menu that appears on the right select the “Apps” tab. This will then tell you that Version 1 is still installed. You will see an upgrade link next to where it tells you Version 1 is installed. Select this link and a pop-out window will be displayed. At the bottom of this window, you will see a code that is valid for 2 hours. Take this code and enter it into the printer.
If you are doing this remotely you can visit the below URL to take control of the printer.
You can then enter the link code into the device and it will be connected back to Hive. Once this has been done refresh your session to the Hive console and go back into the settings for the printer you have just updated.
Go back over to the “Apps” tab and you will see in the left column an option to turn on “Integrated Scanning” enable this option. (new to version 2)
Once done you can then log in to the printer as a user and you will see an option to use Scan to Email which is now part of the Hive system and not using the native function of the printer.
Using this though requires that you use Papercut’s own SMTP relay. Due to this, you need to make sure the ports and URLs for this service are allowed via the establishment’s firewall. More information on that can be found at the below link