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Flowgorithm v4.1.0

Application Customization Settings

Flowgorithm versions 1.8 (and later) use the registry to store user settings. These include the application’s language, colours, chart style, and the maximum size of the internal stack.

Administrator Only Keys

The following three settings cannot be changed (or seen) by the user. They will only be accessed from the LOCAL_MACHINE hive.

KeyDefaultApp Can Change?Description
Max Stack Size5000NoContains the maximum size of the stack. If the application exceeds this size, it will display a Stack Overflow Error. This setting cannot be changed from within the application. In practice, this value should never be reached unless the programmer creates an infinite recursive call.
Turtle Buffer Size8000NoThe Turtle Graphics Window keeps track of all the drawing commands sent to it.
Allow Source Code ViewerTrueNoIf set to False, the Source Code Viewer will be hidden. It will not appear on the toolbar, in the main menu, or the Layout Windows tool.
Error Auto WaitTrueNoIf set the true (default), the system will pause if the same exact error occurs twice in a row.  The “Ok” button on the Error Window will take 5 seconds before it can be clicked. This can prevent the student from nonchalantly closing the window (without bothering to read it).

User Only Keys

The following keys will only be applied to CURRENT_USER. Even if the application is open in Administrator Mode, these will be saved to the current user hive.

KeyDefaultApp Can Change?Description
MRU 0Null stringYesMost recently used file list.
MRU 1Null stringYesMost recently used file list.
MRU 2Null stringYesMost recently used file list.
MRU 3Null stringYesMost recently used file list.
MRU 4Null stringYesMost recently used file list.

Standard Registry Keys

Flowgorithm uses both CURRENT_USER and LOCAL_MACHINE. If settings are not found in CURRENT_USER, it checks LOCAL_MACHINE. The hive paths are identical. So, Flowgorithm will look for settings in the following order:


If the application is started in Administrator Mode, Flowgorithm will save its settings to LOCAL_MACHINE. Otherwise, it will store them in CURRENT_USER.

So, if you want to set defaults for all users in the lab, please open the application in Administrator Mode and set the language, colours, etc… Any new user (who does not have user settings set), will use these defaults.

Root Folder

KeyDefaultApp Can Change?Description
Chart StyleDefaultYesContains the name of the current chart style such as “Default”, “Classic”, etc… If the value of this key is not recognized, the application will use “Default”. If the user loads a chart style file, this key will be set to “Custom” and color values will be read from a “Shapes” subfolder of the Flowgorithm folder.
Color SchemePastelYesContains the name of the current color scheme such as “Pastel”, “Cyberspace”, etc… If the value of the key is invalid, the application will default to “Pastel”. If the user loads a color scheme file, this key will be set to “Custom” and color values will be read from a “Color” subfolder of the Flowgorithm folder.
LanguageenYesContains the ISO language code of the displayed language. If invalid, it will default to “en” (English).

Printer Registry Folder

In version 2.6.0, and later, Flowgorithm saves printer information to the registry.

KeyDefaultApp Can Change?Description
LandscapeFalseYesBoolean value that specifies if the printer will default ot landscape (true) or portrait (false)
Margin Bottom0.75YesMargin in inches.
Margin Left0.75YesMargin in inches.
Margin Right0.75YesMargin in inches.
Margin Top0.75YesMargin in inches.
NameYesName of the last printer used.

Source Code Viewer Registry Folder

Customizable colour schemes were added in version 2.5.

If the user loads a colour scheme file (or edits the current one using the application), the “Color Scheme” key is set to “Custom” and colours are stored in “Colors” subfolder of Flowgorithm. If the main “Color Scheme” is set to anything else, these keys are ignored.

KeyDefaultApp Can Change?Description
Namen/aYesName of the current custom color scheme. This is displayed on dropdown controls
Aboutn/aYesShort description of the color scheme.
Authorn/aYesThe Author of the chart style.
Assignn/aYesAssignment shape colors
Breakpointn/aYesBreakpoint shape colors
Calln/aYesCall shape colors
Commentn/aYesComment shape colors
Declaren/aYesDeclare shape colors
Errorn/aYesShape error colors
Executingn/aYesShape executing colors
Headern/aYesAdd Shape Menu and Line Numbers (source code viewer)
Hovern/aYesMouseover effect in the Add Shape Menu
Ifn/aYesIf shape colors
Incompleten/aYesShape incomplete colors
Inputn/aYesInput shape colors
Linen/aYesLine colors
Loopn/aYesLoop shape (For, While, Do) colors
Outputn/aYesOutput shape colors
Pagen/aYesThe background colors
Selectedn/aYesShape selection colors
Terminatorn/aYesTerminator shape colors
Windown/aYesEdit window background colors

Shapes Folder

If the user loads a chart style file (or edits the current one using the application), the “Chart Style” key is set to “Custom” and shape information is stored in the “Shapes” subfolder of Flowgorithm. If the main “Chart Style” is set to anything else, these keys are ignored.

KeyDefaultApp Can Change?Description
Namen/aYesName of the current chart style. This is displayed on dropdown controls
Aboutn/aYesShort description of the color scheme.
Authorn/aYesThe Author of the chart style.
Assignn/aYesThe shape used for Assign.
Calln/aYesThe shape used for Call.
Declaren/aYesThe shape used for Declare.
Don/aYesThe shape used for Do.
Endn/aYesThe shape used for the end of a flowchart.
Forn/aYesThe shape used for For.
Ifn/aYesThe shape used for If.
Inputn/aYesThe shape used for Input.
Startn/aYesThe shape used for the start of a flowchart.
Outputn/aYesThe shape used for Output.
Whilen/aYesThe shape used for While.

For a full and updated list visit –

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